What's wrong with my work, you ask? Well, for one thing, there's not enough to do. Which sounds great, at first. But I'd really rather be busy at work so the time will pass. I've spent enough time at work surfing the 'net, reading fan fic, and generally wasting time - so much time that it's lost its novelty. Ridiculous, right? But other than that, this is also largely accounting work. And I am NOT an accountant.
Also, not having shit to do all day, most every day, means that when things come up that need to get done, I have no motivation to do them. I seem to work better if I'm constantly working.
I'm also basically chained to my desk from 8:30-4:30 every day. Like, I can't leave for lunch. Or breaks. If I go to the bathroom (which I refuse not to do), I run the risk of missing a phone call from the ever-elusive boss. If I miss a phone call, I get a lecture about how I should always answer the phone, no matter what. What would happen if I missed a call from someone? Gee... maybe he doesn't know we have VOICEMAIL.
Pretty sure this is what he thinks would happen if I took 20 minutes to go to Subway.
Finally, and quite importantly, my boss is a racist, bigoted, 1 percenter asshole. I swear to God, he uses the word "negro," makes all sorts of sexist comments, and told a man named Leo Rosenbaum that he couldn't talk because he had an appointment for a circumcision to get to, after which he would don a yarmulke and change his name to Shmuel. For reals. I sat there with my mouth agape, and after he hung up, he was like, "That was pretty funny, right?" And I said, "You may have offended him, if he's Jewish." He just said, "Well, I thought it was funny. I'm funny."
I believe he has anger issues, because he's mean about everyone. He has to wait in line at the bank for two minutes? They're "all idiots and couldn't find their assholes with a flashlight."
Last week, I told the boss that I thought he'd be better off with a part-time accountant. That's right, I tried to talk him out of my employment here. He heard nothing I said, basically, and advised me to enjoy the "down-time." *sigh*
Ultimately, this job is just not the right fit for me. I don't mind free time, I don't mind getting paid for it. I do mind being a beck-and-call-girl to a racist rich guy. I can do better than this, even if I get paid less.
Luckily (have we ever had a whine that ended on a high note?), we have a temp accountant in, who is meant to be cleaning up the books (but whom I'm hoping to train at my job), and I have a second interview for an Executive Assistant position (which sounds like a GREAT fit, and I'm trying to be more objective this time around) tonight at 5:15PM, and a phone interview for a different Executive Assistant position tomorrow at 4:30PM. Hopefully, I can get out of here soon.